solar system installation

How to build up a solar panel system for a domestic building (3 storied) , how to design and what are the requirement should have to be?

  • That's a really broad question:-

    • How to fix them to the roof so they don't blow away in a storm?
    • How to wire them safely (you can't turn solar panels off while you're wiring them up)?
    • What isolators do you need?
    • What inverter do you need - and is it type approved in your country?
    • Do you need to meter the generation?
    • Do you need permission from the electricity supplier.?
  • That's a really broad question:-

    • How to fix them to the roof so they don't blow away in a storm?
    • How to wire them safely (you can't turn solar panels off while you're wiring them up)?
    • What isolators do you need?
    • What inverter do you need - and is it type approved in your country?
    • Do you need to meter the generation?
    • Do you need permission from the electricity supplier.?
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