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When drawing to BS8888:2020, how do you indicate a though hole?

Would the following be correct for indicating the through hole (without the right hand view)?

  • Yes  the two views looks consistent The depth stop at 25 on the 14mm hole instruction could be omitted to show 'go through' 
    . I think  this has not changed since 2008 - also if the top hole was not for a flat bottom cutter, then the symbol in front of the 'phi' diameter indicator  changes to show the profile as countersunk or what have you. 


    no depth stop on the 5mm central hole = drill right  through.

    depth stop on both holes, depth to end of full diameter region, large cutter flat bottom,

    arrow head indicates pointy drill tip  for the 5mm drill

    Top hole with tapered cutter to give countersink so 'V' symbol,