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What can be used as a corrosion inhibitor in vehicle electrical connectors?

I recently had  to change a connection block and windscreen wiper motor controller unit on a Ford Transit Custom because of water ingress into the connector and the wiper motor controller unit.  What can be used as a corrosion inhibitor inside electrical connectors to extend the life of the connecting elements?


  • Washer fluid is probably more active than fresh water as well. The problem as always is that anything other than a perfect seal is a trap, and worse than being open  We have been known to pot the topsides of wire end connectors, but this needs care, as it the compound can migrate into  the contacts if the connector body not designed for it. Hot melt glue is a cheap alterntive, but again take care not to create a water trap and make it worse.

  • We have also used liquid insulation and ended up with it completly filling and isolating the connecting pins. 

  • We have also used liquid insulation and ended up with it completly filling and isolating the connecting pins. 

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