Regs: System Impulse Overvoltage Uw

A requirement of equipment installed in an Overvoltage Category IV system, for 400V, is that it should have a rated Impulse withstand voltage Uw of 6kV (table 443.2). I can see from manufacturers data sheet the rated Impulse value for each bit of kit, but cannot see an Impulse value on the cable data sheets, can someone please advise how the cable is verified for the Impulse Overvoltage.

  • I've a feeling that there was a 'deemed to comply' thing for cables (or perhaps wiring systems) above certain rating - but I can't find it at the moment. I'll have a dig if no-one else comes up with a better answer first....

       - Andy.

  • I've a feeling that there was a 'deemed to comply' thing for cables (or perhaps wiring systems) above certain rating - but I can't find it at the moment. I'll have a dig if no-one else comes up with a better answer first....

       - Andy.

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