Asbestos in Fuses

We have recently had asbestos survey reports return with presumed asbestos as the fuse cartridge. With the reasoning being that some fuses contain asbestos as part of the cartridge filling.

I‘m aware of flash guards and asbestos rope, but I can’t find any guidance for the fuse cartridges being asbestos?

granted some of the old fuses may have had cross contamination from old flash guards. But I’m concerned with the presumption aspect of the report, and what confusion it may cause going forward.

  • In 1968 while working in a chemical works I was with my foreman working on top of a boiler. The foreman said they will not make 40, nodding toward two laggers who were lagging the steam pipes to the boiler. I asked what he meant and he said "the asbestos in the lagging will kill them, laggers never live beyond 40". 

    I always thought it strange that this foreman knew the dangers of asbestos in 1968 but it was 1985 before blue and brown asbestos was banned and 1999 before white asbestos was banned. How many more people died during that time.

  • In 1968 while working in a chemical works I was with my foreman working on top of a boiler. The foreman said they will not make 40, nodding toward two laggers who were lagging the steam pipes to the boiler. I asked what he meant and he said "the asbestos in the lagging will kill them, laggers never live beyond 40". 

    I always thought it strange that this foreman knew the dangers of asbestos in 1968 but it was 1985 before blue and brown asbestos was banned and 1999 before white asbestos was banned. How many more people died during that time.

  • Yes, but it probably killed them from asbestosis rather than mesothelioma. In a similar way, coal miners got silicosis. Smoking didn't help either. 

    There was a very small amount of H&S legislation earlier, but attitudes began to change after WWII. Let's not forget that the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act was passed as late as 1974.