Do you have thoughts on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in engineering and professions in the UK that you'd be happy to share?

In October we invited IET members to take part in an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) survey with a consortium of regulatory and professional bodies. We thank everyone who took part. We’re now looking for IET members to take part in the next phase of this research. 

We’re asking members to take part in focus groups to discuss experiences within our profession, and identify steps that can be taken to address barriers to progression across professions within the UK. Focus groups will be conducted online in April and last 90-120 minutes. 

If you’re happy to take part, please contact the Young Foundation directly by email at with IET EDI focus group participation. 

This research will result in a joint report with the consortium of regulatory and professional bodies later in the year. 

If you have questions about IET EDI Strategy and activities add them here. 

The Chartered Bodies Collaborative was formed in response to the economic challenges presented by the Covid pandemic, to help people get back into work and progress in their professions. As part of our ED&I commitment, we have collectively commissioned new research to identify steps that can be taken to address barriers to progression across our professions.

The delivery of this research has been contracted to The Young Foundation, an independent research agency. Within the focus groups you’ll be asked about your views and experiences related to ED&I issues and initiatives. Findings will be reported in a collated manner and fully anonymous. Unless you contact us directly to let us know, the IET will never know who has participated in the research or who has chosen not to. The Young Foundation will provide you with Privacy Notice information should you choose to take part.

If you have any queries about the research or your information, please contact

‘The Young Foundation’, an independent research agency, has been commissioned to undertake this research on behalf of The IET. They operate under the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct, which ensures that participants remain anonymous and information provided is strictly confidential. No personally identifiable data will be shared with the IET. Only anonymised research data is shared .

For general information about how the IET process personal data please view our Privacy Notice or contact our Data Protection Officer at