Digitalisation: Help us fill the adoption rate knowledge gap!

Digital manufacturing – the three minute survey – your views matter

What proportion of manufacturers have truly digitalised their operations?

No-one has really asked yet… amazing but true for such an important subject.

Why not help us set the benchmark?

It’ll only take you literally 3 minutes.

Please answer five quick questions on our international survey about the adoption of digitalisation in manufacturing.

The link is here:-

Once the fieldwork is complete, participants will be the first to get the aggregated results.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Best wishes,

Jessica Wax-Edwards

  • The tricky is how to answer things like " What percentage of manufacturers in your sector do you think have now made a significant investment in automation ‘Significant’ means at least 50% of the production environment is now automated (requiring no manual intervention throughout the production cycle) "

    Now I work in a business where there is no product that does not have manual steps in it.

    Even if you get a mobile phone made in China, a real person picks it off the line and packs it. About the only folk who automate everything are the Germans, and they have humans running round filing the machines....
    For things made in small runs, so nothing like the hundreds alluded to above, the manufacture is almost all manual, apart from PCB population, and even that for tricky parts.
    Equally I have been involved in a project fairly recently getting some custom chips made, with a few thousand per silicon wafer, and the testing of those has been highly automated, but there are plenty of manual steps in moving the wafers around for dicing etc.


  • The tricky is how to answer things like " What percentage of manufacturers in your sector do you think have now made a significant investment in automation ‘Significant’ means at least 50% of the production environment is now automated (requiring no manual intervention throughout the production cycle) "

    Now I work in a business where there is no product that does not have manual steps in it.

    Even if you get a mobile phone made in China, a real person picks it off the line and packs it. About the only folk who automate everything are the Germans, and they have humans running round filing the machines....
    For things made in small runs, so nothing like the hundreds alluded to above, the manufacture is almost all manual, apart from PCB population, and even that for tricky parts.
    Equally I have been involved in a project fairly recently getting some custom chips made, with a few thousand per silicon wafer, and the testing of those has been highly automated, but there are plenty of manual steps in moving the wafers around for dicing etc.


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