How to produce Hydrogen

Instead of stopping wind and solar electrical production when excess power is produced the electricity is made into hydrogen which is now produced by putting both ends of the cables into the sea. Hydrogen naturally will come off one end of the cable and be for stored. When needed, the hydrogen would come ashore to be used for everything oil and gas are used for now. Oxygen naturally will come off the other end and if the plant is on the sea floor, the oxygen then would bubble through the sea oxygenating the water expanding the fish stocks. The oxygen would reduce the concentration of CO2 in the air reducing global warming. As the reduction in energy requirements continues i.e. LED lighting and insulation in buildings (the government appears not interested in this) and as wave and tide power is yet to be exploited, we may be able to produce all our energy from hydrogen without any pollution whatsoever.

  • The rise in the number of EVs will tend to balance out the drop in demand due to LEDs and possibly insulation. And will put more demands on the network distribution. So not sure where the surplus energy will come from.

    It sounds like a win-win solution though, cleaner than burning natural gas

  • The rise in the number of EVs will tend to balance out the drop in demand due to LEDs and possibly insulation. And will put more demands on the network distribution. So not sure where the surplus energy will come from.

    It sounds like a win-win solution though, cleaner than burning natural gas

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