How to produce Hydrogen

Instead of stopping wind and solar electrical production when excess power is produced the electricity is made into hydrogen which is now produced by putting both ends of the cables into the sea. Hydrogen naturally will come off one end of the cable and be for stored. When needed, the hydrogen would come ashore to be used for everything oil and gas are used for now. Oxygen naturally will come off the other end and if the plant is on the sea floor, the oxygen then would bubble through the sea oxygenating the water expanding the fish stocks. The oxygen would reduce the concentration of CO2 in the air reducing global warming. As the reduction in energy requirements continues i.e. LED lighting and insulation in buildings (the government appears not interested in this) and as wave and tide power is yet to be exploited, we may be able to produce all our energy from hydrogen without any pollution whatsoever.

  • This can be done, First the AC has to be stepped down to a lower DC, and  then under high pressure current is forced though thin layer of water between large are plates, with a semi permeable membrane between them to stop the gasses mixing. 

    Siemens do it commercially, but it is rather more than wire ends in seawater, and not cheap link  Units of some gigawatts are in production now link


  • This can be done, First the AC has to be stepped down to a lower DC, and  then under high pressure current is forced though thin layer of water between large are plates, with a semi permeable membrane between them to stop the gasses mixing. 

    Siemens do it commercially, but it is rather more than wire ends in seawater, and not cheap link  Units of some gigawatts are in production now link


  • We used to split salt solution with a carbon rod anode inside a rough red flower pot and suck the chlorine gas off the anode inside the flower pot to chlorinate our swimming pool.  The hydrogen fizzed off the copper cathode at a copious rate. We used 24 volt DC and 10 amps.

    However, this is a totally uneconomic way of producing hydrogen fuel.  Hebrides may have spare wind power but governments must look at total costs per kWh.  Same with solar; it would make little sense to heat water using electricity as a solar vacuum tube water heater is much more efficient way. Only 25% of he suns EM rays is absorbed by solar PV panels where as 80% by the direct method.

    Hydrogen fuel for cars is not economical either as the gas is incompressible at room temperature unless it is combine with a expensive carbon catalyst.  Theoretically possible but uneconomical