Questions about Smart Meters

One of our members has asked some questions about smart meters. If you can answer any of these questions, or shed some light on them, then please reply. The questions are:

  1. Both my electricity meter [in the hall] and gas meter [outside] are in metal cabinets. Is this going to interfere with any signal a smart meter generates and tries to send?
  2. While my electricity meter has an available source of power, the gas meter does not. Do they rely on being fed with power?
  3. I understand that if I do not want a smart meter and the supplier insists, I can require it to be in dumb mode. How can I check that this has been done?
  • For #3 David you'll find out when the local (usually Zigbee) link to your local energy meter stops working (the one that you have in the kitchen or wherever to see your usage).  Unfortunately when they disable the smart meter functionality (that sends readings to your supplier) they also disable the local link, which means for me I have to crawl into the cupboard to read the meter again.  I have SMETS 1 meters though, this may not be the case for SMETS 2 (the current standard, see below).  When I asked if my SMETS1 meters could be upgraded to SMETS2 they said no, the meters will have to be ripped out and replaced (which was already done with the change from non smart meters the first time around). 

    Personally I haven't bothered changing to smart meters as the logical conclusion is variable tariffs which inevitably are never lower for the consumer.

  • For #3 David you'll find out when the local (usually Zigbee) link to your local energy meter stops working (the one that you have in the kitchen or wherever to see your usage).  Unfortunately when they disable the smart meter functionality (that sends readings to your supplier) they also disable the local link, which means for me I have to crawl into the cupboard to read the meter again.  I have SMETS 1 meters though, this may not be the case for SMETS 2 (the current standard, see below).  When I asked if my SMETS1 meters could be upgraded to SMETS2 they said no, the meters will have to be ripped out and replaced (which was already done with the change from non smart meters the first time around). 

    Personally I haven't bothered changing to smart meters as the logical conclusion is variable tariffs which inevitably are never lower for the consumer.

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