What would it take for the UK to become a global leader in semiconductor technology?

Semiconductors have come up in the news again recently and seem to be a big focus for govt at the moment. It seems like something the IET should have a policy interest in, so we are keen to find out more.

 As a quick summary, the UK government has launched a semiconductor advisory panel and strategy having identified semiconductors as one of the top five technologies of tomorrow, and the strategy has three main strands:

  • Grow the domestic sector
  • Mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions
  • Protect our national security

 I'm keen to hear your views on the challenges that  need to be solved in order to be world leading in this sector to help inform a policy position and identify areas to explore in more depth.


IET Lead Policy Officer

  • The main challenge to overcome is the government.  Having a "semiconductor advisory panel" will achieve nothing.  Identifying semiconductors as one of the top five technologies will achieve nothing.

    If you want to achieve things, you actually have to do something.  That's something the current government is incapable of.

  • you actually have to do something.  That's something the current government is incapable of

    Ah well, ignoring the grammar (surely "that is something of which the current govt. is incapable") I would agree, and suggest that is sadly true of almost every area of UK government it seems.

    So it is a very good job there are no large problems looming that will require decisive action to be taken now or very soon.

    Ah.Except perhaps

    Energy and climate

    Industry - we need some





    Cost of living - but that follows from the others

    Oh dear...

    It's not helped by the fact that we got rid of the more experienced of the technical civil service over the last 25 years or so, and so even the advice the ministers get may be flaky or biased.


  • Hi Simon, what would you ask government to do with regards to semiconductors? Or what area do you think needs the most focus?

  • It's not a question of the most focus.  Lofty goals like that mean you have to do everything.  That means doing the research to develop new technologies.  It means commercial companies to turn the research into products.  It means building cutting edge chip fabs in the UK (and they cost billions).  Security of supply means not just manufacturing the semiconductors in the UK, but also taking control of the supply chains for all the raw materials.

    The challenge is enormous, and I'm old and cynical enough to think that it's going to go nowhere, whatever the IET thinks or does.

  • It's not a question of the most focus.  Lofty goals like that mean you have to do everything.  That means doing the research to develop new technologies.  It means commercial companies to turn the research into products.  It means building cutting edge chip fabs in the UK (and they cost billions).  Security of supply means not just manufacturing the semiconductors in the UK, but also taking control of the supply chains for all the raw materials.

    The challenge is enormous, and I'm old and cynical enough to think that it's going to go nowhere, whatever the IET thinks or does.

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