What would it take for the UK to become a global leader in semiconductor technology?

Semiconductors have come up in the news again recently and seem to be a big focus for govt at the moment. It seems like something the IET should have a policy interest in, so we are keen to find out more.

 As a quick summary, the UK government has launched a semiconductor advisory panel and strategy having identified semiconductors as one of the top five technologies of tomorrow, and the strategy has three main strands:

  • Grow the domestic sector
  • Mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions
  • Protect our national security

 I'm keen to hear your views on the challenges that  need to be solved in order to be world leading in this sector to help inform a policy position and identify areas to explore in more depth.


IET Lead Policy Officer

  • The problem here is that government is all about Sound Bites, Position Statements and Virtue Signaling.  The government wishes the UK to become a global leader in semiconductor technology. They have put three quite different but not necessarily mutually exclusive goals.

    - Grow the domestic sector (Industry is important)

    - Mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions (local supply or better supply chain management)

    - Protect our national security (control the IP)

    All these require significant engineering solutions but current government contains no engineering.

    As I have previously said here regarding Green solutions:


    These goals need to be looked at like Capital Expenditure Requests in industry:

    - What is the objective?

    - What is the background to this request?

    - What is the proposed solution?

    - What are the time scales?

    - What resources are required?

    - What is the cost?

    - What is the payback or other justification?

    - What are the alternatives?

    - Why were they rejected?

    All these points need to be supported with data and calculations.

    Without sufficient STEM resources in government to answer these questions nothing will actually happen. The challenge for the IET is to get STEM into government.

  • Sorry, Roger, didn't see your post before I sent my reply to Mike. Thanks for posting - they are all good questions!

  • Sorry, Roger, didn't see your post before I sent my reply to Mike. Thanks for posting - they are all good questions!

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