A Vision for a Blue Collar Society: How Artificial Intelligence Will Empower the Working People and Challenge the Elites

What are your thoughts? My vision is for a society where the hard-working and skilled blue collar workers are recognized and rewarded for their vital contributions. As artificial intelligence advances, it will inevitably replace some of the academic functions that are less efficient and less relevant. The Blue-collar movement is a powerful expression of this aspiration, and a challenge to the elites who have neglected and exploited the working people for too long. 

  • The blue collar workers will be replaced by robots that will do the work for less money.  As artificial intelligence improves, this automation will gradually work its way up the skill levels.

    The elites will still be the ones who actually own the means of production - which is what really matters.

  • You are missing the human factor.  Someone with 20 years experience in an area will always outsmart the AI in that same area until the AI has 20 years in that area. 

    In the same way that a Smart home is only fully Smart when it adapts to the people inside. 

  • You are missing the human factor.  Someone with 20 years experience in an area will always outsmart the AI in that same area until the AI has 20 years in that area. 

    In the same way that a Smart home is only fully Smart when it adapts to the people inside. 

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