A Vision for a Blue Collar Society: How Artificial Intelligence Will Empower the Working People and Challenge the Elites

What are your thoughts? My vision is for a society where the hard-working and skilled blue collar workers are recognized and rewarded for their vital contributions. As artificial intelligence advances, it will inevitably replace some of the academic functions that are less efficient and less relevant. The Blue-collar movement is a powerful expression of this aspiration, and a challenge to the elites who have neglected and exploited the working people for too long. 

  • I think that it is very easy to design a society that works really well, until you add the people, who are far more variable, cunning and in some cases mischievous than the designers who set the rules allow.

    I also do not see the class divisions as being so important as AMK does, nor as blue and white. You may be able to automate the role of a welder on a mass production line, or a typist in an office, but both are examples of jobs that have changed rather than gone completely. The robot that can drive 30 miles and unblock a toilet is some way off, as is the one that can replace the musings of the design authority. Yes some parts of those jobs can be automated, but I see there being plenty to do for people with some adaptability for many years to come. Beware of folks claiming ten years experience that have only re-lived the same year ten times - we all have it in us to learn new stuff and to change roles over time- I'm not so sure that AI does.


  • Yes, some people have the ability to learn new stuff and change roles over time, but I’m not so sure that everyone has the same opportunities and resources to do so.

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