Voluntary drone design for Ukraine?

Ukraine Armed Forces are having a lot of success with drones and these devices seem to be very useful and adaptable.  In the main, they appear to use mostly hobby-type drones, both 'suicide' and for releasing bombs from above.

There are probably more appropriate drone designs for the purposes to which they are being put, rather than hobby drones.  Limited carrying capacity, range etc, along with the cost and availability.

I feel sure that by putting heads together, it would be possible to develop drones that are cheaper, more readily available to build, and better adapted to purpose.  Does anyone want to contribute to a project to design something(s) suitable?

There is no funding (currently), but the purpose is not to make a financial return.  I was thinking it might appeal to retired engineers, who want to keep their hand in but no longer need to generate an income.  There must be a huge amount of experience out there!

I'm willing to act as a coordinator, let me know if you are interested, have time, live in UK and want to contribute?  Experience in electric motors, batteries, flight/flight control. navigation etc would be useful.  Also radio control from, for example, model airplane flying.

No pyrotechnics involved, just talking about the delivery platforms.
