I've come across a new word today - memristor.

Claims to be the "missing component" - resistors, capacitors and inductors being the other three of the four.

Seemed it was pretty academic for a while: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memristor

But someone seem to have found a use for them: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-66465230

   interesting times

         - Andy.

  • Never heard of one. Apparently it was originally conceived in 1971, but its practical realisation was achieved only in 2008. As I review the literature on this topic, I concur that we are witnessing a remarkable period of scientific and technological advancement, sounds most likely to be further developments and applications of memristors in various domains.

  • Never heard of one. Apparently it was originally conceived in 1971, but its practical realisation was achieved only in 2008. As I review the literature on this topic, I concur that we are witnessing a remarkable period of scientific and technological advancement, sounds most likely to be further developments and applications of memristors in various domains.

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