Power Line 400 kV Reinforcement needed across Scottish border.

A recent article on Sky concluded that the under rating of power lines across the Scottish border meant that it was expensive and pointless in connect more 

wind generators in Scotland as that already the power generated could not be transmitted further south where it was needed.


The nat grid have at least a100 foot servitude for the existing  line so immediately they must build an extra 2  400kV quad lines one each side of the existing line. There is no time for worrying about planning consents and the government should insist on the grid starting immediately and offer to pay all pre-ordering costs upfront to avoid delays. 

The pipe dream of zero carbon power station emissions by 2050 can certainly not be achieved without serious investment in the grid and nuclear power right away.  

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  • Photonic Cooling or as those of us less easily impressed would call it IR coloured paint.

    Similar wavelength selective ( i,e, colours, but infra-red ) coating ideas  are used to fool IR cameras in military applications.

    The idea being a reverse greenhouse effect of reflecting at the solar incident wavelengths while still sweating off heat by radiating well at other wavelengths where there is less background radiation to absorb,

    I'd expect most overhead cable cooling to be convective at least on planets with an atmosphere and near ground level, so I'd be surprised if the technique does more than wind out ratings by a few per percent on earth, - which may stiill be worth it on a long run I suppose. I've contacted them for the white paper, I'll let you know if I get anything interesting.
