Sustainable Green Transition

An interesting piece in the Engineer:

The Engineer - Green transition mineral demands under scrutiny

I wonder if some real numbers will come out of this? 

'According to the WRF and Empa, the extraction and processing of material resources is responsible for 90 per cent of biodiversity loss, 50 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and 30 per cent of air pollution impacts. The energy transition and growth in the infrastructure stock globally risk making environmental challenges even more acute.'

Renewable energy sources require a lot of resources.

  • Renewable energy sources require a lot of resources.

    But then, so do non-renewables.  How much coal does a coal-fired power station burn through in its lifetime?

  • Renewable energy sources require a lot of resources.

    But then, so do non-renewables.  How much coal does a coal-fired power station burn through in its lifetime?

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