Engineering Solutions for Type 1 Diabetes: Challenges and Opportunities

For three decades, I have been coping with type 1 diabetes, a lifelong condition that impairs the body’s ability to produce insulin, a hormone that controls the blood sugar level. Technology has been progressing and enhancing to assist people with type 1 diabetes to monitor and manage their condition more conveniently and effectively. For instance, the Libre 2 system is a device that comprises a sensor patch attached to the skin and a smartphone app that can scan the sensor and display the glucose level. It can also notify the user or their caregiver when the glucose level is too high or too low. However, technology has not yet achieved a permanent cure for type 1 diabetes, which would necessitate restoring the insulin production or replacing the damaged cells in the pancreas. Insulin is a multi-billion pound industry that generates enormous profits for pharmaceutical companies, which may have an impact on the research and development of potential cures for type 1 diabetes. Engineering can play a crucial role in discovering and developing innovative solutions for type 1 diabetes, such as artificial pancreas, islet transplantation, or gene therapy. These technologies can offer hope and promise for people with type 1 diabetes, but they also face many challenges and barriers, such as cost, availability, safety, efficacy, ethics, or regulation. How can we evaluate and compare different types of engineering solutions for type 1 diabetes, such as artificial pancreas, islet transplantation, or gene therapy?

  • I am not sure if this conversation is still active, but I will just leave my (bioengineering) opinion here anyway. I see that the conversation (mainly between AMK and Chris Pearson) has already touched upon some really good points - e.g., pancreas transplantation and getting groups of cells to secrete insulin. The questions raised here are actually very well known within the research community and represent one of the major goals of tissue engineering (

    One of the biggest challenges in the field right now is creating whole organs in the lab (so that in the future we could obviate the need for organ donation from another person). Tissue engineers are able to create mini versions of different organs (”organoids”), but it is still difficult to make them in the right size. Also, cells often require to be grown in some kind of matrix material (e.g. hydrogel), or on scaffolds. This is done to (i) support/constrain/guide cell growth/migration in 3D space and (ii) provide a suitable physicochemical environment for the cells (because they respond to mechanical and biochemical signals). There is still much to know about how different physical parameters (material stiffness, curvature, porosity) and biochemical factors (e.g. proteins) influence the way cells behave. In addition, we also need to consider ways to keep the cells alive in bioprocessing and think about factors like fluid shear stress in the bioreactor.

    Another (more recent) tissue engineering approach is 3D bioprinting ( However, researchers are still figuring out ways to print, for example, a whole pancreas or liver. The good news is there are people addressing exactly this issue - look up Jennifer Lewis’s lab at Harvard ( or Mark Skylar-Scott’s lab at Stanford (, for example.

    Hope you find the information useful.

  • Hi Matthew. Remarkable! 3D bioprinting offers numerous possibilities for medicine and biology. I admire the efforts of the researchers who are attempting to print entire organs and tissues with bioinks and living cells.

  • Hi Matthew. Remarkable! 3D bioprinting offers numerous possibilities for medicine and biology. I admire the efforts of the researchers who are attempting to print entire organs and tissues with bioinks and living cells.

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