How Can Technology Be Leveraged to Improve the Lives of Ukrainian Refugees ? (revisited)

Hello, I do not claim to be an authority on the subject, but I have conducted a literature review on the following and derived these conclusions.3D printing of refugee camps: This is a tech that can make strong and changeable shelters for refugees in a quick and cheap way. 3D printing can use stuff from round here, like sand or clay, to build things that fit the place and the needs of the refugees. For example, a project called 3D4D Challenge wants to use 3D printing to make low-cost houses for refugees in Sudan. Another project called Wasp uses a massive 3D printer to make green houses from mud and straw. Multi-lingual chatbots: This is a tech that can give information and help to refugees in their own language, using words and clever stuff. Chatbots can help refugees get important services, like health care, education, legal help, or social support. For example, a project called Refugee Text uses chatbots to send information to refugees by text or Facebook Messenger. Another project called Tarjimly uses chatbots to link refugees with people who can translate for them and help them talk to aid workers or bosses. Tele-health services: This is a tech that can give health care to refugees from far away, using gadgets and things. Tele-health services can help refugees get medical chats, checks, pills, or tips, without having to go far or face problems like language or papers. For example, a project called Doc Academy uses an online thing to teach refugee doctors and nurses in host countries. Another project called Telemedco uses a mobile app and a smart thing to let refugees check their health and talk to doctors. Satellite-based internet services: This is a tech that can give internet access to refugees in far or country areas, using satellites and aerials. Internet access can help refugees stay in touch with their families and mates, get online education and fun, and join in with things like voting and working. For example, a project called uses satellite things to give internet and phone services to aid workers and refugees in bad situations. Another project called Kacific uses fast satellites to give broadband internet access to country people in the Asia-Pacific area.