There are reports coming in about an outbreak of Nipah virus in Bali.

There are reports coming in about an outbreak of Nipah virus in Bali.

My thought process is that Engineers, Scientist and Medical professionals are on this forum and they may not be aware of this outbreak.  Once they are made aware people would start to express their opinions and offer suggestions.

A lot of people may not be aware that in Bali they already have thermal screening at the airport.  This is also the case in Kuala Lumpur internation airport in Malaysia.  As I found out while travelling.  The main reason for this is Malaria and Yellow Fever other such illness and diseas which are prevelant in the area.

As far as I am aware UK airports do not use this thermal screening process thus people return from SE Asia could bring back this infection/disease/virus and pass it on to others here in the UK.  This is where the parallels to Covid could arise.  I assume that the modelling used in the Covid pandemic could be used for this outbreak of Nipah virus

The WHO (World Health Organisation) states

Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus (it is transmitted from animals to humans) and can also be transmitted through contaminated food or directly between people

More information from WHO on URL below

Should UK airports introduce thermal screening for all passagers?  Should they be using UV sanitation trays at outbound security and for inbound passenger hand luggage?

What technology can we use to detect Nipah virus?

  • A highly contagious and fatal disease, can infect both humans and animals. Currently It has no cure or vaccine. I hope that one day we will be able to overcome this threat and save lives.

  • To stop and spot Nipah virus infection at airports, technology such as thermal screening and UV sanitation trays can be useful. But they are not enough or always accurate by themselves. They need to be supported by other ways and actions that follow scientific proof and public health advice.

  • To use the same modelling as the COVID for this Nipah virus outbreak, we would have to consider how the two viruses are different, for example, how they spread, how long they take to show symptoms, how many people they infect, and how deadly they are. we need to keep a close eye on this unlike early Covid