What dark forces are there in deep distant space?

No dark matter or dark energy has been found in space to balance the WMAP dark forces,but could they be
1] The dark force of mass attraction G is the weakest of the dark forces in distant space.
2 The electromagnetic dark matter spin force of about 5G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub
3. Repulsion by a near 25G dark energy force is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are assumed to have positively charged surfaces and thus repel each other electrostatically

I would therefore urge engineers to consider the magnoflux theory of electro-magnetic light energy and adopt the Stevens deep space dark forces hypothesis.



  • Hi Clive, I admire your originality and passion. Do you have any plans to submit your work for peer-review, or verification from the physics community?

  • Not yet as it is far to radical for cosmologists to even consider.

    Their CDM cold dark matter model of space is not reconcilable as physicists holy grail is still  matterM.

    I have pointed out on numerous occasions that energy is what needs conserving but to deaf ears I'm afraid.

    How can energyE be a dimensional derivative of matterM in the formula M{L/T}^2 in Kg-Metre/secondT

    Electric energy is made up of balanced +or- magnons of electric charge held apart by a magnetic spin inertia.

    We still teach electricity as movement of electrons when we think its magnons not electrons that move at light speed. 

    Any improvements in presentation or reach of the magnoflux hypothesis would be much appreciated

  • Very interesting Clive, I have had a read through. So is the magnoflux hypothesis is a theory that proposes a new fifth force that causes stars and planets to spin around black holes and stars, respectively ? This force is a magnetic spin force, and it is unlike the other four basic forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. Hope you don’t mind me asking as I’m interested but never really come across this idea before. So how does the magnetic spin force influence the inertia of stars and planets? How does the magnetic spin force alter the speed or direction of stars and planets? How does it compare to the impact of gravity or electromagnetism on inertia?

  • I am really intrigued by this, Clive. Could you please explain how the magnoflux spin effect is represented mathematically?

  • AMK modern physics must have something solid to measure but fundament electric energy has no substance to measure only an effect so it does not exist and no maths can properly describe it.

    Einstein considers space as a volume x,y,z with matter and time only

    .A photon of energy is not measurable in space volume, matter and time but only its effect in the past.

    We are into a new ball game which relies on evidence of the magnoflux spin effect  quantum VAR's   and a fuller understanding of how the 3D electro-magnetic forces combine to form the universe.

  • Hello Clive. I appreciate your article and I have read it. Is this what you are saying? Electric Universe Theory, this idea suggests that electric and magnetic forces are more dominant than gravitational ones in shaping the cosmos. This idea argues that most of the things we see in space, such as stars, planets, comets, galaxies, or cosmic rays, can be understood by electric currents and plasma physics, instead of by gravity and nuclear fusion. This idea also questions the conventional theories of cosmology and evolution, and says that there is no need for dark matter, dark energy, black holes, or big bangs.

  • Electric energy is made up of balanced +or- magnons of electric charge held apart by a magnetic spin inertia.

    Not by the normal definition of magnon (or for that matter electric charge) it isn't. 
    A magnon is a special case of a spin wave, which is in turn a moving change in the local magnetic order.

    (imagine a  long line of elemental compasses each flipping in turn due to the rotation of its neighbours, in the manner of a so-called "Mexican wave" in a large  audience, or perhaps a chain of falling dominoes.

    A magnon is the minimum magnitude of such a  spin wave, namely a reversal of exactly one QM spin unit (*) in magnitude

    Please provide your new definitions for the words if you wish to re-define  them in this way, otherwise it looks like so much deliberate confusion to make something we already know how to solve and explain, unnecessarily complicated.

    * spin units angular momentum are in terms of ℏ=1.05457171034 J.s  (so energy is spin over time if you like)
    Be aware that to visualise the QM  spin as being like a spinning charge creating a magnetic moment is convenient model but also a misleading one - does an object like an electron with  spin half object mean it is upside down after 360 degrees of rotation ? - well after a fashion it does, but it is really saying the physical metaphor  is not really right. An electron that flips from up to down relative to a local magnetic field has made a step of exactly one ℏ by flipping from +1/2 of one unit to -1/2 of one unit. That is a one magnon change..

  • Mike/AMK I have revised the hypothesis to try and clarify as follows:-


    No dark matter or dark energy has been found in space because dark massless forces are needed to balance the WMAP results which I hypothesise as

    1 The dark force of mass attraction G is the weakest in distant space volume x,y,z.

    2 Electromagnetic dark matter magnoflux spin x,y inertia force of about 5G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub

    3.Electro-static repulsion of a near 25G dark energy force in z direction is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are assumed as huge plus charges

    The important point is that electromagnetic energy is MASSLESS and cannot be described by any matter particles that can be measured physically but only by the effect in hindsight. 

    13 years ago I recorded this youtube presentation and I would urge you all to repeat the experiment yourselves to understand that electric3D magnoflux energy is massless and moves at nearly the speed of light.
