Luton Airport Car Park Fire

The car park fire is now in the clean up phase.

It does not seem good that a 3 year old car park which apparently met the requirements could burn so catastrophically. There was a similar fire in Liverpool in 2017. The official fire report raises a number of issues and questions.

To me the key point in the Liverpool fire was the spread of fuel due to the failure of plastic fuel tanks compounded by the drainage system.

Would requiring sprinklers help? Would sprinklers make an EV fire worse?

  • This is an interesting situation.  Firstly there are several things that need to be considered at the design stage.  Normal operation and then fault/incident operation.

    Normal operation some consideration points
    Is/Are as many items of the structure and install fire retardant or self extinguishing.
    Fixed wiring could be AC as well as DC and probably 3 phase.  It could have EVSE in operation, it may not.
    What will be in the structure? ICE vehicles and EVs
    Fire detection and suppression and monitoring.  This almost needs to go hand in hand with an FRA (Fire Risk Assement)

    Fault/incident operation some consideration points
    If it is a vehicle fire what kind of vehicle is it, ICE or EV?  It is difficult to deal with EV fire if you have the equipment or the mentality of dealing with an ICE fire.

    Lets now say the fire was not an ICE (internal Combustion Engine) it is an EV.  Lots of people bahing EV in the media for all sorts of reasons at the moment.

    Further points to consider

    Is it on charge or not at time of fire?  What is the proximity to the next vehicle which could be ICE or EV?  Can the EV on fire be moved to a safe space?  Can you supress the EV fire?  Fire containment?  On a recent course I was shown several mobile phone Lithion battery fires and they burn vaciously and they can/could start a chain reaction by igniting the battery next to it.  Most of the time the first indication is thermal runaway.  There are 2 options avaialble considering the small size of the battery.  Put the battery in a metal bucket full of sand or in a kind of fire safe and close door.  Next stage is then to evacuate the building.  It is fairly simple idea and concept as well as the safe working practice prior to the incident.  All memebers of staff must have this training.  However in a car park you will have a mixture of staff and the general public.  so extra precautions are needed.  Most people are unaware that battery fires in EV or mobile devices spread very quick, get very hot and don't realy exstinguish with water.  In fact some of these fires you could put in a tank of water and they would continue to burn without atmospheric Oxygen.

  • This is an interesting situation.  Firstly there are several things that need to be considered at the design stage.  Normal operation and then fault/incident operation.

    Normal operation some consideration points
    Is/Are as many items of the structure and install fire retardant or self extinguishing.
    Fixed wiring could be AC as well as DC and probably 3 phase.  It could have EVSE in operation, it may not.
    What will be in the structure? ICE vehicles and EVs
    Fire detection and suppression and monitoring.  This almost needs to go hand in hand with an FRA (Fire Risk Assement)

    Fault/incident operation some consideration points
    If it is a vehicle fire what kind of vehicle is it, ICE or EV?  It is difficult to deal with EV fire if you have the equipment or the mentality of dealing with an ICE fire.

    Lets now say the fire was not an ICE (internal Combustion Engine) it is an EV.  Lots of people bahing EV in the media for all sorts of reasons at the moment.

    Further points to consider

    Is it on charge or not at time of fire?  What is the proximity to the next vehicle which could be ICE or EV?  Can the EV on fire be moved to a safe space?  Can you supress the EV fire?  Fire containment?  On a recent course I was shown several mobile phone Lithion battery fires and they burn vaciously and they can/could start a chain reaction by igniting the battery next to it.  Most of the time the first indication is thermal runaway.  There are 2 options avaialble considering the small size of the battery.  Put the battery in a metal bucket full of sand or in a kind of fire safe and close door.  Next stage is then to evacuate the building.  It is fairly simple idea and concept as well as the safe working practice prior to the incident.  All memebers of staff must have this training.  However in a car park you will have a mixture of staff and the general public.  so extra precautions are needed.  Most people are unaware that battery fires in EV or mobile devices spread very quick, get very hot and don't realy exstinguish with water.  In fact some of these fires you could put in a tank of water and they would continue to burn without atmospheric Oxygen.

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