Lane Keeping Assist

We have just replaced our 15 year old VW Touran diesel with a T-Cross 1.0 TSi. This is, as all new cars, fitted with lane keeping assist. I was wondering what would happen if it got confused? Could I, or my wife, fight it and win. Looking at the Bosch variant it either uses the electric power steering, if fitted, or brakes individual wheels using the ESP.

“Lane keeping assist uses a video camera to detect the lane markings ahead of the vehicle and to monitor the vehicle's position in its lane. If the vehicle’s distance to the lane markings falls below a defined minimum, the system steps in. In vehicles with electric power steering, it gently, but noticeably countersteers in order to keep the vehicle in the lane. In vehicles without electric power steering, it achieves the same effect by utilizing the electronic stability program (ESP®) to brake individual wheels.

Drivers can override the function at all times, so they retain control of the vehicle. If they activate the turn signal in order to intentionally change lanes or turn, the system does not intervene.”

I am fairly happy with these various assist systems so long as the appropriate risk assessment and performance level calculations have been carried out, so not designed like the Boing anti stall system.


Some while ago I started a thread on EVs apparently becoming immobilised due to battery or other failures.

The new car has a DSG transmission and the selector lever is locked in Park when the ignition is switched off. It requires 12V to be available to release it, so flat battery and the car is immobilized. Reading deeply in the handbook it can be released with a screwdriver (supplied with the car but buried under the spare wheel) by opening a flap in front of the (conventional) hand brake lever. Who, other than an Aspergers spectrum engineer, would actually look that up?

  • Lane keeping assist is a good idea but is surely dependant on there being legible road markings on the road for the cameras to identify? 

    What happens if the markings are worn out or not maintained? Who would then take responsibility if a car veers out of lane and causes an accident? Thinking

    My neighbours and I have been engaged over the last 6 years in an argument with our local council on the matter of missing carriageway markings along a 2 mile stretch of road exiting the village and out to a major A road. The road is a 60 mph limit road and is the main route out of the village and also acts as the shortcut for a number of villages surrounding us too.  After being resurfaced around 6 years ago, the Council are still refusing to reinstate the carriageway markings along the centre of the road citing some research undertaken along the lines of 'if you remove the carriageway markings on roads drivers will drive slower' 

    So how would a car fitted with Lane Assist stay on the correct side of the road if there are no markings on the road whatsoever? 

  • Your comment links interestingly with this article from E&T,

    New legislation to hold carmakers responsible for self-driving vehicle crashes | E+T Magazine (

    I can see some interesting discussions about the influence of road markings and road signs on the various driver assist/self driving systems Thinking

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