Does anyone have a conversion factor for the new unit of power - the Home

The popular media seem to have adopted a new, non-SI unit of power which they call the Home.  Does anyone have a conversion factor to Watts, please?  When a new, renewable power source is being discussed, I would like to know the output in a form I recognise.  Also there is the danger with Cockney speakers of confusing this new unit of power with the SI unit of resistance.

  • I'm pretty sure you know this from the way you worded the OP but having had to provide numbers of this sort... It Depends, firstly if they're really comparing annual energy consumption or some value for average (or typical maximum) power, and of course which source data was used (and when it's from... EVs etc will really start to throw these figures off).

    In theory the original press release should specify the source, or at least be able to answer the question, if you really need  to know, but it'll almost certainly only be a useable figure for order of magnitude i.e. a sense of scale for the general public.

  • I really have no idea how much the people using the Home as a unit allow for a typical home.  Is it 308W as Simon suggests?  Can't we persuade them to use watts instead.  I am not sure how it can inform the public, as after all, domestic consumption is only about a third of total demand, but does the public know that?

  • I really have no idea how much the people using the Home as a unit allow for a typical home.  Is it 308W as Simon suggests?  Can't we persuade them to use watts instead.  I am not sure how it can inform the public, as after all, domestic consumption is only about a third of total demand, but does the public know that?

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