Does anyone have a conversion factor for the new unit of power - the Home

The popular media seem to have adopted a new, non-SI unit of power which they call the Home.  Does anyone have a conversion factor to Watts, please?  When a new, renewable power source is being discussed, I would like to know the output in a form I recognise.  Also there is the danger with Cockney speakers of confusing this new unit of power with the SI unit of resistance.

  • I have only just noticed this interesting discussion.

    A "home" could be a studio flat in a modern well-insulated block, or a 10-bedroom Victorian residence with next to no insulation so it is IMHO, a rather meaningless concept.

    A standard football pitch (round or oval) is 100 m long so for me, that is a reasonable unit of measure.

    Average domestic consumption is no more use to me than an average home. What I am interested in is my own yearly consumption, which fell last year, but perhaps the winter was mild.

  • I have only just noticed this interesting discussion.

    A "home" could be a studio flat in a modern well-insulated block, or a 10-bedroom Victorian residence with next to no insulation so it is IMHO, a rather meaningless concept.

    A standard football pitch (round or oval) is 100 m long so for me, that is a reasonable unit of measure.

    Average domestic consumption is no more use to me than an average home. What I am interested in is my own yearly consumption, which fell last year, but perhaps the winter was mild.

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