The Science is Settled

I am currently reading Steven Pinker’s book ‘Rationality’. It contains the following:

“Echoing a famous argument by the philosopher Karl Popper, most scientists today insist that the dividing line between science and pseudoscience is whether advocates of a hypothesis deliberately search for evidence that could falsify it and accept the hypothesis only if it survives.”

Where does the current ‘Climate Science’ fit with this? It is certainly not science, it probably doesn’t reach pseudoscience, it is more like religion.

What evidence is investigated to falsify the hypothesis that manmade CO2 causes global warming?

What evidence is investigated to falsify the hypothesis that a temperature rise of more that 1.5°C since industrial times will cause a global catastrophe?

What evidence is investigated to falsify the hypothesis that the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) is more than 2 (lower end of the IPCC ARC6 range).

What happens if you challenge any of the hypothesis’ of ‘Climate Science’? My experience is generally an outpouring of abuse and for those working in the field funding loss and job loss is quite likely.

Where is the science? To quote Terry Pratchett:

  • Hear hear. Most of the anticarbonists have never consulted Table 12.12 in Chapter 12.5.2 of the IPCC AR6 WG1 report:

    How is the infamous "climate crisis" manifested when the forecasted extreme whether conditions are that mild by 2100, even under the most alarmist scenarion RCP8.5?

    Dr Judith Curry has described the unfortunate situation rather precisely, please forgive me for a lengthy quote:

    "Institutionalized consensus building promotes groupthink, acting to confirm the consensus in a self-reinforcing way. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has worked for the past 40 years to establish a scientific consensus on human-caused climate change.  As such, the IPCC consensus is a “manufactured consensus” arising from an intentional consensus building process. The IPCC consensus has become canonized socially through a political process, bypassing the long and complex scientific validation process as to whether the conclusions are actually true. ...
    With regards to climate change, what is going on represents more than politically motivated consensus enforcement and cancel culture. Climate change has become a secular religion, rife with dogma, heretics and moral-tribal communities. The secular religion of climate change raises concerns that are far more fundamental than the risks of bad policy.  At risk is the fundamental virtues of the Scientific Revolution and the freedom to question authority."

  • Hear hear. Most of the anticarbonists have never consulted Table 12.12 in Chapter 12.5.2 of the IPCC AR6 WG1 report:

    How is the infamous "climate crisis" manifested when the forecasted extreme whether conditions are that mild by 2100, even under the most alarmist scenarion RCP8.5?

    Dr Judith Curry has described the unfortunate situation rather precisely, please forgive me for a lengthy quote:

    "Institutionalized consensus building promotes groupthink, acting to confirm the consensus in a self-reinforcing way. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has worked for the past 40 years to establish a scientific consensus on human-caused climate change.  As such, the IPCC consensus is a “manufactured consensus” arising from an intentional consensus building process. The IPCC consensus has become canonized socially through a political process, bypassing the long and complex scientific validation process as to whether the conclusions are actually true. ...
    With regards to climate change, what is going on represents more than politically motivated consensus enforcement and cancel culture. Climate change has become a secular religion, rife with dogma, heretics and moral-tribal communities. The secular religion of climate change raises concerns that are far more fundamental than the risks of bad policy.  At risk is the fundamental virtues of the Scientific Revolution and the freedom to question authority."

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