Re-using BT cabinets for EV charging

I've read of plans to convert redundant street cabinets into EV charging stations. What size supply do these cabinets have as I assumed it would be quite modest and therefore not much cop for rapid charging.

  • The advantage is only I suspect that there is already permission to plant a cabinet there,and as the wayleave has been granted and paid for, for however long in the future, so it might as well be used - though I agree about access - Mostly round here (Hants) they are tucked into hedges and so on not placed at the kerb beside handy lay-bys. The pelican crossing boxes are on the kerbside, but there is a very good reason you do not want anyone parking there either.

    I suspect, like the 'charge point at every lamp-post' nonsense idea it will be OK in a few cases, but is not applicable as often as folk might hope - it sounds better if you say it quickly.


  • The advantage is only I suspect that there is already permission to plant a cabinet there,and as the wayleave has been granted and paid for, for however long in the future, so it might as well be used - though I agree about access - Mostly round here (Hants) they are tucked into hedges and so on not placed at the kerb beside handy lay-bys. The pelican crossing boxes are on the kerbside, but there is a very good reason you do not want anyone parking there either.

    I suspect, like the 'charge point at every lamp-post' nonsense idea it will be OK in a few cases, but is not applicable as often as folk might hope - it sounds better if you say it quickly.


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