Re-using BT cabinets for EV charging

I've read of plans to convert redundant street cabinets into EV charging stations. What size supply do these cabinets have as I assumed it would be quite modest and therefore not much cop for rapid charging.

  • I am not sure there are many redundant street cabinets with 3 phase supply power.  Would be interesting if there was a list from BT.  Next question.  Are they roadside or pavement side?  Some are in hedges and all sorts.  This would mean a cable across the pavement which is technically not allowed but I understand that some councils will now allow a cable across the pavement(I think Portsmouth). What about PEN fault detection?  Is it safe to leave a vehicle next to the cabinet and still allow other road users safe space to go around?  Are the local substation and DNO/DSO transformers up to the task of the extra power load? 

    As an edited afterthought.  Is the supply in the cabinet metered or unmetered?

    It will be interesting to see how this project develops

  • I am not sure there are many redundant street cabinets with 3 phase supply power.  Would be interesting if there was a list from BT.  Next question.  Are they roadside or pavement side?  Some are in hedges and all sorts.  This would mean a cable across the pavement which is technically not allowed but I understand that some councils will now allow a cable across the pavement(I think Portsmouth). What about PEN fault detection?  Is it safe to leave a vehicle next to the cabinet and still allow other road users safe space to go around?  Are the local substation and DNO/DSO transformers up to the task of the extra power load? 

    As an edited afterthought.  Is the supply in the cabinet metered or unmetered?

    It will be interesting to see how this project develops

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