EV government incentive limits


Government incentives that reduced road tax or give special grants should be limited to small 1200cc cars only not huge SUV's .

Another condition should be that it must be possible to run on electric only with engine off totally inside cities unlike most hybrids..

Cars with air conditioners are not acceptable for grants as they waste fuel and are a luxury item.

There are probably more reasons why grants should not be granted which need discussion.


  • Are these ideas you are proposing to your MP or similar ?

    I'd scratch the one about air-con - a heat pump for battery cooling and cabin heating is far better than resistance heating and wasting motor heat and all the loss that entails Once you have the pump and heat exchange kit there, allowing reversal for cabin cooling too is not a substantial extra cost. And as we are doing this in the name of climate change, we should assume that summers will get hotter in the UK - you do not have to go too much nearer the equator to reach places where an uncooled car in the sun  stops being about a  missing a luxury, and becomes  a matter of life and death.

    Indeed in a few tragic cases for small children it already has been, but there are compounding circumstances that make it exceptional.




  • Are these ideas you are proposing to your MP or similar ?

    I'd scratch the one about air-con - a heat pump for battery cooling and cabin heating is far better than resistance heating and wasting motor heat and all the loss that entails Once you have the pump and heat exchange kit there, allowing reversal for cabin cooling too is not a substantial extra cost. And as we are doing this in the name of climate change, we should assume that summers will get hotter in the UK - you do not have to go too much nearer the equator to reach places where an uncooled car in the sun  stops being about a  missing a luxury, and becomes  a matter of life and death.

    Indeed in a few tragic cases for small children it already has been, but there are compounding circumstances that make it exceptional.




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