By 2033, will Human-Level AI decision making be regarded as 'trustworthy'?

So why is it important to the Engineering community that the AI decision making needs to be equipped with a universally accepted value system (ethically driven) and not 'something else'?

How artificial intelligence will transform decision-making | World Economic Forum (


  • How do you define 'trustworthy'? Is it a decision made by a profesional who has been judged as competant by his or her peers. If that is so AI can never be trust worthy as there is no one to judge it's performance.

  • Surely getting the answer right is more important than being judged by peers.  Just because a bunch of people have judged you competent, it doesn't mean you are.

    If an AI medical bot can diagnose someone's illness more accurately than a doctor, should we ignore what it says because a doctor disagrees with it?

  • no, you should add that case to the program's training sequence so it does not make the same error again. Much as you would a human trainee, Assuming it is wrong of course.


  • no, you should add that case to the program's training sequence so it does not make the same error again. Much as you would a human trainee, Assuming it is wrong of course.


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