Alternative Fuel for Electric Cars - Is there one on the way?

The use of Petrol and Diesel is still most convenient but will electric driven cars ever replace them?. I think that a more acceptable replacement will and must be found; what is going on behind closed doors?.. 


  • IMHO, the energy density of batteries is insufficient, but what will follow Li-ion? The physics may be a limiting step.

    F1 has announced its global intent. If you believe them, they will go 100% sustainable by 2030. It's not so much the competition cars' fuel, but the whole business of flying and trucking around the world. They can afford it!

    Even then, there is a limit to the amount of food waste and general waste that can be composted.

    Human beings have been pretty good at solving problems for a few millenia.

    I foresee (but probable beyond my lifetime) an era when liquid fuels are reserved for aviation and the military.

  • Traditional lithium ion is rapidly being displaced by lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO, or LFP).  The capacity is still slightly lower, but that's improving.  They have a longer life, are less flammable, and don't require any cobalt.

    Solid state batteries exist, but I don't think they are ready for volume production yet.

  • Traditional lithium ion is rapidly being displaced by lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO, or LFP).  The capacity is still slightly lower, but that's improving.  They have a longer life, are less flammable, and don't require any cobalt.

    Solid state batteries exist, but I don't think they are ready for volume production yet.

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