Alternative Fuel for Electric Cars - Is there one on the way?

The use of Petrol and Diesel is still most convenient but will electric driven cars ever replace them?. I think that a more acceptable replacement will and must be found; what is going on behind closed doors?.. 


  • This will turn into an interesting debate.  There are many things to consider.

    The EV (how is the energy made?). Nuclear generates a lot of it but coal/gas still top up the peak demand in the UK.  There is renewable energy on the grid and also Pro-sumers doing micro-generation.  Now consider Germany.  People there decided to start a program to shut down their nuclear reactors, that energy now needs to be generated by other means.

    Enough of the EV bashing.  Lets consider others things.
    How many vehicles on the road that only have one person/occupant?
    Should the UK consider something equivalent to the USA Diamond Lane system/car pooling?

    Again another idea from our cousins over the pond Yellow School buses.  The chaos around my son's school during the pick up / drop off can be quite comical.  Parents become a different person when faced with the traffic and parking during these times.  Schools need to encourage parents and children to cycle/walk or school bus to school.

    Dedicated cycle lanes to be retro installed across towns and cities.  Any new towns to have them factored in at design stage.  This is to help make cycle schemes safe.  Push bikes on the public roads is unsafe.  There is a network of dedicated cycle lane across central London.

    The government needs to encourage hybrid working from home and office to reduce the amount of people that travel/commute into work.  This will not cover 100% of the UK.   As an example remote working for the service industry can not be achieved.

    Now let's get on to big business.
    Amazon and other companies need to make their system group deliveries together if they are for the same address.  I recently had 4 different Amazon drivers turn up to my home in 4 different vehicles with a total of 4 small to medium sized parcels.  There was absolutely no need to a have 4 deliveries when 1 would suffice.

  • This will turn into an interesting debate.  There are many things to consider.

    The EV (how is the energy made?). Nuclear generates a lot of it but coal/gas still top up the peak demand in the UK.  There is renewable energy on the grid and also Pro-sumers doing micro-generation.  Now consider Germany.  People there decided to start a program to shut down their nuclear reactors, that energy now needs to be generated by other means.

    Enough of the EV bashing.  Lets consider others things.
    How many vehicles on the road that only have one person/occupant?
    Should the UK consider something equivalent to the USA Diamond Lane system/car pooling?

    Again another idea from our cousins over the pond Yellow School buses.  The chaos around my son's school during the pick up / drop off can be quite comical.  Parents become a different person when faced with the traffic and parking during these times.  Schools need to encourage parents and children to cycle/walk or school bus to school.

    Dedicated cycle lanes to be retro installed across towns and cities.  Any new towns to have them factored in at design stage.  This is to help make cycle schemes safe.  Push bikes on the public roads is unsafe.  There is a network of dedicated cycle lane across central London.

    The government needs to encourage hybrid working from home and office to reduce the amount of people that travel/commute into work.  This will not cover 100% of the UK.   As an example remote working for the service industry can not be achieved.

    Now let's get on to big business.
    Amazon and other companies need to make their system group deliveries together if they are for the same address.  I recently had 4 different Amazon drivers turn up to my home in 4 different vehicles with a total of 4 small to medium sized parcels.  There was absolutely no need to a have 4 deliveries when 1 would suffice.

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