What best practice should be followed when designing for disability?

Sometimes designing for disability can be something simple such as the automatic doors we have around Futures place. We have colleagues who use a variety of mobility aids to get around, so the automatic doors just makes things easier.

There's also a lot of recent and exciting innovation in designing products for accessibility, such as XRAI's glasses that turn spoken words into subtitles displayed on a pair of glasses to help the hard of hearing participate in the conversations around them, bionic exoskeletons that may one day replace wheelchairs and video game controllers specifically designed for gamers with dexterity challenges.

Have you seen any examples of good design that should be written up as best practice when designing for disability? When undertaking a project specifically aimed at designing for disability, what considerations should be made? 

Would love to hear your insights, tips, and real-world examples of designing with disability and accessibility in mind.

  • We already have standards for accessibility in the built environment - BS 8300-1 and BS 8300-2.

    We see this, in guidelines for the height range of switches and socket-outlets that appear in various of the IET's guidance for electrical installations to BS 7671, and these are usually applied to communal spaces (and homes) for new build and, as far as practicable, for refurbishment projects.

    There was an interesting story on our local news pointing out that nearly all the new public EV charge points weren't accessible to wheelchair users - mostly due to things like kerbs and bollards, or having the space to position the wheelchair to access the control/payment screen or holster. It did seem a bit odd that such things hadn't been considered for such new infrastructure

    Agreed ... especially as such considerations have been in the IET's Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation for a number of Editions (and hence quite some time).

    I think one of the issues is that if every EV charging space is accessible, the number of total EV charging spaces spaces (on a street, or in a car park)  is reduced, because accessible spaces are larger. In addition, in workplaces "reasonable provision" is required - there are different interpretations as to what number of car parking spaces being accessible would be "reasonable".

    PAS 1899:2022 Electric Vehicles Accessible Charging Specification has also been published (and is free to download). It is referred to in the latest Edition of the IET's Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation. For the reasons above, it's "to be considered" rather than mandated for every space.

  • We already have standards for accessibility in the built environment - BS 8300-1 and BS 8300-2.

    We see this, in guidelines for the height range of switches and socket-outlets that appear in various of the IET's guidance for electrical installations to BS 7671, and these are usually applied to communal spaces (and homes) for new build and, as far as practicable, for refurbishment projects.

    There was an interesting story on our local news pointing out that nearly all the new public EV charge points weren't accessible to wheelchair users - mostly due to things like kerbs and bollards, or having the space to position the wheelchair to access the control/payment screen or holster. It did seem a bit odd that such things hadn't been considered for such new infrastructure

    Agreed ... especially as such considerations have been in the IET's Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation for a number of Editions (and hence quite some time).

    I think one of the issues is that if every EV charging space is accessible, the number of total EV charging spaces spaces (on a street, or in a car park)  is reduced, because accessible spaces are larger. In addition, in workplaces "reasonable provision" is required - there are different interpretations as to what number of car parking spaces being accessible would be "reasonable".

    PAS 1899:2022 Electric Vehicles Accessible Charging Specification has also been published (and is free to download). It is referred to in the latest Edition of the IET's Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation. For the reasons above, it's "to be considered" rather than mandated for every space.

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