FIET applications for CSCS cards….

Have any fellows applied for CSCS cards recently? A point of caution is that CSCS will NOT accept FIET for professionally qualified applications despite accepting TMIET and MIET colleagues. 

Despite the membership team writing me a lovely email explaining FIET, CSCS will not budge and declining applications.

I suspect it’s something the IET will have to work with them to fix but frustrating to say the least! 

  • It looks as if e.g. ICE and IMechE etc agreed that Fellow would be acceptable but the IET didn't...

    So bizarrely I couldn't get one (if I wanted) based on my FIET, but I could in practice based on my MIRSE!

    Next challenge - which part of the IET would have negotiated this agreement? They should probably be told (I wouldn't assume they'll spot this thread).



  •  Thanks for bringing it to our attention Anthony .  is this something you'd be able to help with?

  • Hi Anthony,

    Thank you for making us aware of this.  The criteria for CSCS cards is set by CSCS and The IET do not have any influence on this, it is not something that was negotiated between the two organisations.  I appreciate the confusion and frustration though about FIET not being accepted.  We could provide members with details about the specific assessment criteria we use so that the CSCS can see the difference between the different IET membership categories of but ultimately it is their decision what they do or do not accept as meeting their own eligibility criteria.

    Clare Peacock - IET Membership Engagement Team

  • Is it possible that some FIET's don't meet the requirements for MIET?

    For example, not that King Charles III would be likely to apply for a CSCS card, he is an FIET - albeit honorary.

  • Perhaps I should not rush to complete an FIET application form if it's going to make me seem less "competent" in the eyes of the construction industry?

  • I think the CITB doesn’t issue CSCS to electricians and you actually need to apply for an ECS card issued by the JIB?

  • I think the CITB doesn’t issue CSCS to electricians and you actually need to apply for an ECS card issued by the JIB?

    That is the case, if you have a predominantly electrotechnical company, you will be directed to ECS scheme.

    The 'AQP' card does seem quite restricted in its application, though, which is why the OP might be going for PQP card?

    Still, it's a good suggestion, and perhaps   might want to consider looking at that?

    Perhaps I should not rush to complete an FIET application form if it's going to make me seem less "competent" in the eyes of the construction industry?

    The above is a little "tongue in cheek" from me, as I have a suitable ECS card already ... but this ignores all qualifications above a certain level. I do wonder, in all seriousness, whether the "MIET" will be removed from it if I move to FIET ? It's something I've thought about but not asked yet!

  • Hi Graham,

    I highlighted this issue to our Head of Registration and Standards and they have reached out to the CSCS to advise that FIET is our highest grade of membership.  They have also asked if there is a process by which we can agree with them for the inclusion of Fellows in their assessment criteria.

    Thank you once again to you all for bringing this to our attention.

    Clare Peacock - IET Membership Engagement Team.