How to you get AI generated models to forget information that it was trained on, when that information was later retracted by it's authors?

During a human lifetime we learn facts that are later determined to be incomplete or wrong.

We effectively mark in our memory that retraction or modification has taken place. 

Over the past year numerous research papers has be retracted due to errors or fraud by the authors.

How do we know that these retracted research papers have not been used during the AI training cycle?

Then how do we get the AI developed model to forget this defective information? 

Peter Brooks

Palm Bay Florida 

  • I would hazard a guess that like a human, AI would have a continuous learning cycle rather than simply train for a job and then never update its knowledge on that subject. Can you imagine if you simply stopped learning anything once you'd left school or that Doctors or Engineers never kept up with changes or recent developments in their fields of interest? 

      are you able to add any thoughts to this discussion? 


  • Hello Lisa:

    There is a problem in continuous learning associated within your selective field of interest (it's like going deep down a rabbit hole) that is  "over specialization".

    One has to be a "generalist" making sure that one is not blindsided by advances in related areas. Otherwise one becomes unemployable. 

    I started work in vacuum (valves) tubes which died, but was able to made the move into solid state devices.

    Second when developing models to explain a physical processes one has to consider what is happening is other non-related fields, such as biology. 

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay

  • Hello Lisa:

    There is a problem in continuous learning associated within your selective field of interest (it's like going deep down a rabbit hole) that is  "over specialization".

    One has to be a "generalist" making sure that one is not blindsided by advances in related areas. Otherwise one becomes unemployable. 

    I started work in vacuum (valves) tubes which died, but was able to made the move into solid state devices.

    Second when developing models to explain a physical processes one has to consider what is happening is other non-related fields, such as biology. 

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay

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