E+T Reporting at it’s best

I read this article this article from E+T:


Interestingly it notes that although onshore wind offers an energy pay back time of around 6 months as often quoted the greenhouse gas payback time is around 2 years.

“an onshore wind farm is capable of offsetting the carbon emissions generated across its entire 30-year lifespan within two years when compared to thermal power plants.

Additionally, the study found that within six months a turbine can generate all the energy consumed across its life cycle.”

What amused me was:

“Although the carbon offset depends on the exact older technology the wind turbines are replacing, we would expect a similar offset internationally. In New Zealand it is gas turbines, but many countries will be displacing fossil fuel generators,”

What do gas turbines run on other than fossil fuel, unicorn farts?

  • I believe that some run on methane from chicken poo, or other farm waste.  But I don't think New Zealand has that many chickens.