Lightning protection for metal roofed residential housing in the UK?

In the US over the past 5 years there has been a trend to repair residential roofs with metal in place of shingles.

Here in Florida there does not appear to be any rules concerning grounding of residential houses with metal roofs, to provide lightning protection.

Lightning protection is used however on commercial building like hospitals.

Recent Insurance data for 2023 indicates that Florida leads the US in lightning related claims with over 6,000.

2023 Lightning claims for the whole of the US reached 1.2 billion dollars.

Do metal roofed residential housing have to be grounded? 

  • We had one case where the wire clamp (near the pole) got loose on the neutral line and the voltage doubled and blew the computer and TV - the Power company paid us for the loss.

    Similar to our "broken PEN" problems we have here then. Presumably your installation's earthing (grounding) is derived from the supply N, so did you have your grounded metalwork sitting at about 120V?

       - Andy.

  • Hello Andy: That's a good question I don't know.

    The three lines from the power pole go through the edge of the roof down to the meter. From the meter the cabling goes to the main power switch on the outside wall, then inside the concrete wall up to the attic and across to the main fuse panel.

    However also coming out of the meter is metal tubing (assume with a cable inside) that goes directly into the ground.

    As I am not allowed to get inside the Power company meter I always assumed it was directly connected to the neutral cable.

    Peter Brooks 

    Palm Bay  

  • Hello Andy: That's a good question I don't know.

    The three lines from the power pole go through the edge of the roof down to the meter. From the meter the cabling goes to the main power switch on the outside wall, then inside the concrete wall up to the attic and across to the main fuse panel.

    However also coming out of the meter is metal tubing (assume with a cable inside) that goes directly into the ground.

    As I am not allowed to get inside the Power company meter I always assumed it was directly connected to the neutral cable.

    Peter Brooks 

    Palm Bay  

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