What is the ratio of the number of public Gasoline/Petoil pumps to passenger cars?

Example:- 1 public gas pump for every 1 gas powered passenger car. 

The uptake of Electric cars in the US is being limited by the small number of public charging points.

It is effectively the same situation as during the introduction of gasoline powered cars in the early 20th century.

But at that time many drivers carried can(s) of  gasoline with them, when they traveled long distances.

Those of us who owned a VW car from the 1960's, (which did not have a gas gauge), will remember having to use the "built in" reserve gas system, operated by a manual foot switch, when running out. 

    so 30 million cars share about 8000 petrol stations. However this rates the village garage with just 2 pumps and a sideline in red where they have to find the key to turn it on for you, with the 6 lane 12 pump monstrosity at the side of the motorway.

    however compared to electric the time to fuel up, or if you prefer the megawatt rate of a hose delivering E10 is soberingly high.


  • We have a two 2 pump station BUT it can fuel 4 cars at a time (one each side) . Is your location like that?

    I estimate it takes us a total of 5 -10 minutes to fuel our car with 7 US gallons of gas . That includes waiting for the clerk to activate the pump.

    Remember the US gallon in 80% of your old UK gallon. I usually refuel the car when hitting the 1/4 full tank reading.

    The other factor is that for any type of car, it is usually parked (at home or at work) . I have seen a published fudge factor, that it is parked at least 80% of the day.

    EV's on the other hand have a number of charging rates with the trend to higher and higher rates depending on battery constructions and the cars software.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay    

  • We have a two 2 pump station BUT it can fuel 4 cars at a time (one each side) . Is your location like that?

    I estimate it takes us a total of 5 -10 minutes to fuel our car with 7 US gallons of gas . That includes waiting for the clerk to activate the pump.

    Remember the US gallon in 80% of your old UK gallon. I usually refuel the car when hitting the 1/4 full tank reading.

    The other factor is that for any type of car, it is usually parked (at home or at work) . I have seen a published fudge factor, that it is parked at least 80% of the day.

    EV's on the other hand have a number of charging rates with the trend to higher and higher rates depending on battery constructions and the cars software.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay    

  • The other factor is that for any type of car, it is usually parked (at home or at work) . I have seen a published fudge factor, that it is parked at least 80% of the day.

    Is that for the US? I've seen UK figures that suggest an average car here is driven for less than 1 hour/day - so that would be closer to 96%.

      - Andy.

  • Hello Andy:

    Here in the US it is not unusual to drive 1 hour of more to get to work. It has to do with excessive housing costs around the location where one works.

    There are some jobs that can not be done remotely even for IT programmers- example working in a fully secure site.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay