What is the ratio of the number of public Gasoline/Petoil pumps to passenger cars?

Example:- 1 public gas pump for every 1 gas powered passenger car. 

The uptake of Electric cars in the US is being limited by the small number of public charging points.

It is effectively the same situation as during the introduction of gasoline powered cars in the early 20th century.

But at that time many drivers carried can(s) of  gasoline with them, when they traveled long distances.

Those of us who owned a VW car from the 1960's, (which did not have a gas gauge), will remember having to use the "built in" reserve gas system, operated by a manual foot switch, when running out. 

  • As a comparison, the statistics provided by Zap Map suggests that there are 1,145,000  full-EV's in the UK sharing 64,775 charging points across 33,829 locations (so an average of 2 chargers per location?).

    So where as the data suggests 3750 petrol/diesel cars share each station. This would suggest 33 EVs share one charging location. This sounds really good for EV's.

    That coverage is not homogenous. There are definitely areas with many charging points and petrol stations and places with few to none.  I live in a largish town (100K people) and we have at least 10 fuel stations, many EV charge points and the EV electric forecourt up the road which has capacity to charge 24 EV's a time. But I've been in other places where you have to drive to the next town along to find a fuel station.

    Of course, you are likely to be taking 3 to 4 times longer to charge an EV then to fill up with petrol.

    I would also say that it's likely that each petrol station has the ability to simultaneously fill 8 cars at a time and more likely double that.

  • As a comparison, the statistics provided by Zap Map suggests that there are 1,145,000  full-EV's in the UK sharing 64,775 charging points across 33,829 locations (so an average of 2 chargers per location?).

    So where as the data suggests 3750 petrol/diesel cars share each station. This would suggest 33 EVs share one charging location. This sounds really good for EV's.

    That coverage is not homogenous. There are definitely areas with many charging points and petrol stations and places with few to none.  I live in a largish town (100K people) and we have at least 10 fuel stations, many EV charge points and the EV electric forecourt up the road which has capacity to charge 24 EV's a time. But I've been in other places where you have to drive to the next town along to find a fuel station.

    Of course, you are likely to be taking 3 to 4 times longer to charge an EV then to fill up with petrol.

    I would also say that it's likely that each petrol station has the ability to simultaneously fill 8 cars at a time and more likely double that.

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