Planes grounded as mass worldwide IT outage hits airlines, media and banks

  • Apparently an anti-malware package from "Crowdstrike" - I can't say I've heard of them before. Seemingly it only affected the windows version of their product - Linux and Apple versions were OK.

       - Andy.

  • Apparently an anti-malware package from "Crowdstrike" - I can't say I've heard of them before. Seemingly it only affected the windows version of their product - Linux and Apple versions were OK.

       - Andy.

  • Linux and Apple versions were OK.

    If I was being slightly facetious, I would question whether they have any Linux or Apple OS customers.. If I was more so, i wonder how many customers they will have in the future.

    Its a commercial endpoint security, so most non-corporate users are unlikely to be running it. It looks like it has been extensively used for embedded endpoints, such as Point of Sale machines and similar. But from some of the comments on "El Reg", it looks like it has been deployed in large organisations with lots of remote employees.