kyron engine - if this is the future why is it not here now


was 'sent' to me  with a claim that it was a solution to the worlds energy problems.

if something has been around for some time and no one has delivered it yet (money and profit talks to many) free to the world, it suggests that it is only theoretical at best.

why has no one made one, or maybe they have and it doesn't work.

it would be interesting to hear some opinions about the 'kyron engine' , as some folk think it is suppressed tech.,  as it would destroy the energy industry as it is.

so real or fantasy ... the kyron engine for  limitless 'perpetual' energy  ?

ps: don't laugh  ;-)

  • The problem with most "suppressed" tech is that it doesn't work.

    Anyone could make that design out of bits you can buy on the internet.  But nobody does.  Where the cars driving around on no fuel?  The portable power banks that don't need recharging?  If they actually worked, people would be making them in small workshops, and other people would be queuing up to buy them.

  • precisely. 

    thanks for the comments.

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