MV Voltage ( 22-33kV) Cable design standards in Australia

Hi Team,

I'm in the middle of designing a 22kV UG cable, but I'm not sure which Australian Standards I should follow. for LV, we use AS3008 but MV, no clear idea. Further, please share if anyone has a DC Cabe Calc guideline/template. thank you.  

  • It is common to use the vendor manuals such as from Olex/Nexans for current ratings, and derating figures. These are based on IEC 60502. AS 3008 can typically be used where not covered in the manuals - such as above-ground cable ladder spacing/number of tiers etc.

  • It is common to use the vendor manuals such as from Olex/Nexans for current ratings, and derating figures. These are based on IEC 60502. AS 3008 can typically be used where not covered in the manuals - such as above-ground cable ladder spacing/number of tiers etc.
