The Use Of AI For Developing Nations I.e Nigeria

The Use of AI for developing nations.

The race to deploy AI will see AI and automation spur significant change in the world and for developing nations determining AIs output for their economies will be key. An AI generated output is both relevant and innovative because it can be used to create meaningful change. Using Africa as a case study, with all its potential, an AI assisted future can for example solve water poverty because AI can optimise water distribution, predict usage patterns and detect leaks in real time. AI can also mange the water infrastructure more effectively and reduce waste and this is why most developing nations are soon starting to adopt this technology.

Also, the use of the combination of AI robotics to improve the detection and repair of road defects would benefit most African cities because AI can predict what might happen to infrastructure through data collection.
AI can detect obvious damage and alert local authorities by using deep learning to identify internal structural damage on road infrastructure and assessing the signs of damage using an AI inference. In 2021 Korea Institute of civil engineering and building technology (KITC) launched an AI based automatic pothole detection system which has the ability to adapt to different regions, soils, topography and climate. The technology can prevent and seal cracks on roadway and can suggest pre-emptive action, all of which makes it a cleaner and more cost effective alternative to traditional methods.

Thirdly, AI will help digitalise almost all government functions and manage data, prioritising essential bills and expediting their execution thereby reducing excesses and mitigating loopholes. AIs use in the government of developing nations will be paramount to measure and make sure targets are met, to ensure positive outcome and for gender and societal balance. AI has great potential to help solve these challenges and enable a digital transformation for all developing nations for example in 2022 Japans minister for digital transformation Taro Kono, eradicated the floppy disk and enabled internet based submission in all government official documents.

There are other upcoming AI based innovative tools that help in leading the world to a more sustainable future i.e AI based design platform Basecamp are researching on accelerating development of new biological dyes at industrial scale production level and many more. These are some of the very many examples of which developing societies can effectively make use of the power of AI. So therefore, for developing nations, adopting a long term AI strategy to see benefits in economic output is of great importance.

  • Don't over-estimate AI. It is very good at producing things that look plausible on the surface, but rather less good at producing correct answers in specific cases. Much of what you mention cannot be achieved by AI alone. Water monitoring needs an extensive network of accurate metering for example to provide the base data - and once you have they you can spot leaks etc. quite easily using quite simple algorithms. Where (government IT) systems already exist elsewhere the simplest answer is often just to buy a copy of that rather than develop something from scratch.

      - Andy.

  • Don't over-estimate AI. It is very good at producing things that look plausible on the surface, but rather less good at producing correct answers in specific cases. Much of what you mention cannot be achieved by AI alone. Water monitoring needs an extensive network of accurate metering for example to provide the base data - and once you have they you can spot leaks etc. quite easily using quite simple algorithms. Where (government IT) systems already exist elsewhere the simplest answer is often just to buy a copy of that rather than develop something from scratch.

      - Andy.

  • Hello Andy:

    Well done with your response!

    I was going to respond with something very similar.

    Such as,  "some people think that AI is effectively the latest engineering version of "pixie dust" that when scattered around, will solve every possible problem."

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay Florida USA.

  • You’re very right, it needs more research and we need more people on ground doing the technical work