Plants Bonding to LPS

Dear Team,

Seeking an advice to below,

There are mechanical plants on the rooftop in one of my projects, and they are enclosed by a metal fence. We are laying copper tape around the metal fence for protection. As a result, the mechanical plants are now within a protected zone. Refer below snap for your reference & rectangles are mechanical plants.

I am wondering if they still need to be bonded to the LPS.

  • So... copper tape to protect plants.  Would the problem be slugs and snails attacking the plants?  That's what gardeners use copper tape for.

    I  see there's a "Suggest as Helpful Answer" tickbox below this reply.  But I don't have a "Suggest as Unhelpful Answer" to tick instead.

  • So... copper tape to protect plants.  Would the problem be slugs and snails attacking the plants?  That's what gardeners use copper tape for.

    I  see there's a "Suggest as Helpful Answer" tickbox below this reply.  But I don't have a "Suggest as Unhelpful Answer" to tick instead.
