Single pole and switched neutral vs DP for EV

Hi All

Would a single module, single pole and switched neutral RCBO satisfy 722.531.3.1 disconnecting all live conductors?

Usually we fit 40A Type A DP RCBOs but at other installations I'm coming across these single SP+N RCBOs installed for domestic chargers.

Thanks in advance 


  • I think you're OK with a switched N on systems where the "N" pole is earthed - what worries me more is seeing them in situations like caravans where the supply polarity isn't guaranteed (e.g. tow the caravan abroad and the supply may well be reversed or even 220V between two lines).

       - Andy.

  • true - thankfully  in the OPs case of a domestic EV charger, a sudden reversal of polarity is unlikely ;-) Actually there is then an argument for MCBs that do current sensing & breaking on both poles.

    A related note, but on some kit we make that goes abroad we build in detection of L-N polarity, high impedance earth and in 3 phase, rotation sense as well as under and over-voltage lock-off . Its surprising how many wrong ways round there are for things to be wired when you leave the home installation.

  • true - thankfully  in the OPs case of a domestic EV charger, a sudden reversal of polarity is unlikely ;-) Actually there is then an argument for MCBs that do current sensing & breaking on both poles.

    A related note, but on some kit we make that goes abroad we build in detection of L-N polarity, high impedance earth and in 3 phase, rotation sense as well as under and over-voltage lock-off . Its surprising how many wrong ways round there are for things to be wired when you leave the home installation.

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