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18th Edition amendment one. Volt drop measurement, who is spreading the rumour we need new testers?

Who is the test equipment manufacturer and/ or importer spreading the rumour that we will need new volt drop testers?

Out of interest I have tried an internet search for volt drop testers than can be used to test UK fixed installations and drew a blank with only testers suitable for use in the USA at lower voltages coming up in the search results along with results for auto electrics.


  • Chris Pearson:


    I have had a look at the Martindale data sheet on a bigger screen than my phone, it calculates the voltage drop from the measured impedances at the test point and at the reference point upfront of the circuit in the distribution board taking into account the rating of the circuit protective device, rather than applying a load.


    Precisely! See my note above. Maybe the hot Easter sun has got to JW - the presentation falls short of his usual standard. Let's stop all this nonsense about measuring voltage and applying loads. You wouldn't pass your C&G if you tried that approach. ?


    With a glass of beer on hand I entered the search term “measuring voltage drop IET” and it returned numerous discussions from the old forum as the search results.

    I landed on This little gem from over eleven years ago.

    What do you fancy, two people each with a volt meter and a two way radio or a twin wander lead connected to the load terminals and run back to the source of the circuit?

    Plugging your  voltage tester into one side of a double socket and having some fan heaters plugged into a multiple socket adapter on the other side of the double socket then flicking them on and off to see what difference it makes to the voltage is not looking so daft; actually it is something I have done in real life to assess a ridiculously long circuit that a customer wanted made even longer.


  • Chris Pearson:


    I have had a look at the Martindale data sheet on a bigger screen than my phone, it calculates the voltage drop from the measured impedances at the test point and at the reference point upfront of the circuit in the distribution board taking into account the rating of the circuit protective device, rather than applying a load.


    Precisely! See my note above. Maybe the hot Easter sun has got to JW - the presentation falls short of his usual standard. Let's stop all this nonsense about measuring voltage and applying loads. You wouldn't pass your C&G if you tried that approach. ?


    With a glass of beer on hand I entered the search term “measuring voltage drop IET” and it returned numerous discussions from the old forum as the search results.

    I landed on This little gem from over eleven years ago.

    What do you fancy, two people each with a volt meter and a two way radio or a twin wander lead connected to the load terminals and run back to the source of the circuit?

    Plugging your  voltage tester into one side of a double socket and having some fan heaters plugged into a multiple socket adapter on the other side of the double socket then flicking them on and off to see what difference it makes to the voltage is not looking so daft; actually it is something I have done in real life to assess a ridiculously long circuit that a customer wanted made even longer.

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