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18th Edition amendment one. Volt drop measurement, who is spreading the rumour we need new testers?

Who is the test equipment manufacturer and/ or importer spreading the rumour that we will need new volt drop testers?

Out of interest I have tried an internet search for volt drop testers than can be used to test UK fixed installations and drew a blank with only testers suitable for use in the USA at lower voltages coming up in the search results along with results for auto electrics.

  • That makes sense, measure the Voltage across the supplied load or connect a temporary load bank of known Wattage to confirm acceptable Volt-drop.......or calculate Voltage drop from the tables in B.S. 7671.

  • That makes sense, measure the Voltage across the supplied load or connect a temporary load bank of known Wattage to confirm acceptable Volt-drop.......or calculate Voltage drop from the tables in B.S. 7671.

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