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18th Edition amendment one. Volt drop measurement, who is spreading the rumour we need new testers?

Who is the test equipment manufacturer and/ or importer spreading the rumour that we will need new volt drop testers?

Out of interest I have tried an internet search for volt drop testers than can be used to test UK fixed installations and drew a blank with only testers suitable for use in the USA at lower voltages coming up in the search results along with results for auto electrics.

  • I too am not sure when you need it, except perhaps if there is already a problem - quite often in an existing circuit, neither load nor cable length is known,and an unknown fraction of the total drop is outside the building anyway.. For socket circuits the kettle or fan heater test seems as good as any, as it mimics real life. I guess with industrial motor inrush and so on, it gets more involved, but is then probably beyond the normal multitester anyway.

    You could do L-N loop PSSC tests at a more than just the origin I suppose. Again I'd think it is a bit OTT in most cases - if the lights dim there there is a problem, probably not otherwise.
  • I too am not sure when you need it, except perhaps if there is already a problem - quite often in an existing circuit, neither load nor cable length is known,and an unknown fraction of the total drop is outside the building anyway.. For socket circuits the kettle or fan heater test seems as good as any, as it mimics real life. I guess with industrial motor inrush and so on, it gets more involved, but is then probably beyond the normal multitester anyway.

    You could do L-N loop PSSC tests at a more than just the origin I suppose. Again I'd think it is a bit OTT in most cases - if the lights dim there there is a problem, probably not otherwise.
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