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Here we are, time to start checking in.

The doors are open and the hoi  polloi are on their way in. 

Paul is already here, I have visited occasionally, so who’s going arrive next and will they slip their boots off at the door?


  • What only 15 mins to edit a post?

    Correct. Apparently it's a balance between being able to correct typos in your original and not confusing the entire thread by changing what other people might have read and responded to. It was subject to an amount of discussion on the test forum. I think the mods can still alter things after things after the 15min though - so there is still a method for altering things if given just cause.

       - Andy.

  • What only 15 mins to edit a post?

    Correct. Apparently it's a balance between being able to correct typos in your original and not confusing the entire thread by changing what other people might have read and responded to. It was subject to an amount of discussion on the test forum. I think the mods can still alter things after things after the 15min though - so there is still a method for altering things if given just cause.

       - Andy.
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